Wednesday 17 October 2018

Pets: Unconditional Love

I really love pets. But I must say that it is hard to have a good care of them. It demands time and dedication to give them your love. They are animals, and like us, I think they feel the love that we gave them when they see that you care about them.

Have you ever put yourself in the place of your pet? It is hard, but if you think of it, we just treat our pets like any other human been. It is frequently seen that people give fried meat, bread or salads, and in extremely cases, chocolates or candies, to their dogs. Because we eat them, it doesn´t means that a dog or any other pet eat the same thing.
I have a dog. My father gave it to my mother when my grand mom, her mother, died. It´s name is Gea, like the Greek goddess of Earth. We loved it from the very beginning! It is very smart and I try always to communicate with my dog howling gently, and my dog begins to howl with me.

It is still alive, but it is old. I don´t want to think about the day when she will leave us. I just know that she is part of our family and of our hearts.


  1. It's hard to imagine saying good bye to an old friend.

  2. I'm of the people that feed their dogs with humans' food, I know that it is very bad, but they request me food with so many urges that I have to give they.

  3. It's so sad when you have to say goodbye to you pet, I've never be in that situation but I imagine it's hard
