Friday 13 April 2018

Introducing my self

Rafael Riadi Mahias is the fourth of five kids of my parents. I was born in São Paulo, Brazil, but my parents are Chilean. At the ´70 my father go to Brazil to find a better future for his wife and his 3 sons. They are my mom and my siblings that stay in Chile while my father settle down in São Paulo. After some years they reunited and live in Brazil where I born few months later!

I studied in school in Brazil and I finished my school studies in Chile. So, I have many friends in both countries. I begin my studies in Chile in Liceo A-67 Alexander Fleming, then I went to University of Chile to study Pharmacy at School of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences.  

I always enjoy classical music too. My parents play the piano and I always wondered how beautiful will be to move my hands on the keyboard and play music. So my mom put me in piano classes with a very nice German lady.

Today I can say that I enjoy science and music in the same way, with passion and seriously.


  1. I would have liked to play piano :(

  2. Brazil!! that's so interesting, the piano is a very special music instrument that sounds like the soul of a person, so good luck and enjoy playing piano.

  3. Brazil is a very interesting country, I like a lot. I should learn to play piano someday, cool!

  4. wow i did´t know that you was born in Brazil!! that´s really amazing!!
